Saturday, December 6, 2008

In Slumberland....

This was what happened.
Jia Wei was in school. Pui Wan was right next to her studying BM.

huh? Pui Wan , why are you studying?
Jia Wei, we're having BM Paper 2 today!

It was the second last day of SPM. There was still BM and EST to go. Jia Wei thought that SPM was over. She hasn't study anything that is BM-related. And Jia Wei went amok of course. Funny thing is Pui Wan wouldn't share her notes with Jia Wei.

what!!!??Are you serious?? I HAVEN'T STUDY!!!!
(There were more tantrums of course, but I shall not waste any more space.)

Suddenly Mr Saiful decided to have a spotcheck. Jia Wei found that her bag was full of her Trial papers, Intervensi papers and all of the previous exams papers.... but no BM reference books. Mr Saiful scolded her for being stupid.

Finally,exam time! Jia Wei went to toilet before exam, she was charged RM 4.40 for the dirty stinky cubicle! ( Note how auspicious the number is ).She came back, rumaged through her bag but there's no exam slip! By now Jia Wei's friends have already entered the classroom listening to the inviligator's instructions leaving her alone to wave her hands frantically. Evil Mrs Inviligator wouldn't let Jia Wei take the BM paper and insist she looks for the "forgot-to-bring-examslip-documentpaper" from school teachers while her friends are taking the exam.

Jia Wei felt insulted and mocked when she saw some of her friends playing badminton on the way. No SMKTD teacher wanted to appear. She also saw Syn Dee and Kum Foeng playing with 5sc2 students beside a river.

Then I woke up. SPM's over. It felt so real that for a moment there I thought I really had to kiss my 'A' for BM goodbye. I don't know wheter to curse my dream or just laugh at it's randomness. One thing for sure- I'm just so glad SPM's all over and its just a dream!

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