Wednesday, April 29, 2009


This is my wardrobe.
Such a sad and devastating state.
Every morning I stare at this thinking what to wear to class.
And I'll start feeling sorry for myself.
I seriously need more clothes and shoes and bags.

Anyone wants to go shopping with me after exams?

Friday, April 24, 2009

Almost The End of 1st Sem

UCSI University A Levels January 2009 Intake Group B students

Tadaa! This was taken a very long time ago during our bio experiment in March.
I think its our one and only class photo.
Love it.

This was created by Victoria.
Its so uber cute!!
Love this too!

Hmm I know its weird to post this pictures like only NOW ( yes our 1st semester is ending)
But its the end of the 1st semester that has got me randomly thinking about our class.
So many things I learned this sem.Its all thanks to these people.
And I'm really grateful that I got to met them.

Just a random thought in the middle of our revision week.( Exam's coming in May and June!)
Good Luck everyone for the exams!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Yay! Got my new camera handphone today! Finally.
Sony Erricson K810i
Love it.
Thanks Mum and Dad!
Not forgetting my old Nokia handphone too. Thank you for serving me for this past 2 years...Muaks!

Enough with the excitement. Time to study for my exams seriously. Starting tomorrow.
Have to really train myself on speed and accuracy.
The problem is we're experimental white mice that are subjected to the new syllabus that just started last year. Very few exercises to do. =(

I'm already quite bored of the text book even when I haven't open it. Sigh.