I went to UCSI's Orientation today. Reached campus at 9.00 am. Felt so ALONE. While I was just sitting in the cafetaria waiting and wondering how am I gonna pass through the whole day, a girl pulled a chair over, sat and started the intro. So coincedently she's gonna do A- Levels as well.( Her name is Rosalind, by the way. )
Ta-daa! My first friend in A-Levels!! ( Wasn't as difficult as I thought )
Yes, thanks to her, making friends were a LOT easier. She's the really outgoing type. Soon enough we found a bunch of pals that were initially alone ( like me ) and doing the same course.

The orientation was real BORING. 9.30am - 1.30 pm were all talks about rules and regulations, speeches, and etc. What a way to start an orientation for the freshies.

This shirt I folded here was kinda of our saviour. I folded it, my friends around me urged me to teach them. They got hooked on, started to fold every piece of paper/pamphlete available into shirts while the lecturer/dean on the stage was still blah-ing away. Well, at least something to kill boredom.

The evil part. A-Levels. I'm taking 3 subjects only (Biology, Chemistry and Maths). According to the calendar, trials is due April. I'm so doomed. Head of A-Levels says to study from day 1. ( Cry.... NOOOOOOOO!! )

Orientation continuing tomorrow. At least its only half a day. Thank god. Free lunch!!!
Haihs, honestly, I'm still not prepared for college life. Not looking forward to this. No turning back though. Just do it!