My Thailand trip this time was real relaxing. I'm glad that I went. ^.^So long for the swine flu worries.
No one was wearing masks. Same goes to the Phang family here. lol.
For those who are wondering, I didn't quarantine myself and is back in college. Tee Hee.
So there IS the chance of UCSI being closed down. lol. Touch wood UCSI people!
Coming back to main topic,
Day 1
Slept through almost the whole day in the van and hotel. Went to a local pasar malam in Krabi after dinner. It was pretty cool. Here are some photos.


Jia Le and me

Jie Jie and Jia Le

In Pasar Malam

Cute leh....

Look at the juices!

Dim Sum like delicacy

Pineapple bomb!
Day 2
Speed boated around Phi Phi Islands and went snorkelling. I was right about the "first time snorkelling being more pretty than its actually worth", cause the dead corals really isnt THAT pretty anymore. The pretty thing that attracted me is the handsome guy on the same speed boat as us. lol. More photos.

Dad and Mum
Day 3
The best day of all the others. Had a guide that took us out of sea and explored a sea cave and went snorkelling. This Thai dude can speak Malay! He's really nice and caring =)
This conversation was really funny.
Dad: Hei perahu ada baju keselamatan tak?
Guide: Ada, tapi kalau tak ada pun tak apa, saya heret semua!
He really pulled us into and through the sea cave, cause we would never could have swam through the strong waves and high tide(he's really strong and this guy didn't need a life jacket!) . It was really scary but exciting at the same time! After the cave we saw an opening to a land, and we reached the middle of the island/cave it was so COOL. Once in a lifetime experience. It rained after that, so freezing cold.

Only photo I have of day 3 is this cause it was all too wet for photos.
Day 4
Shopping in Hatyai before heading back to KL.

Love this dress!

Family photo.

Window view from hotel room

Really like this!

Illustrated movie ads along the streets which is quite cool.
Transformers and Harry Potter lol.
Yea... so basically thats how my 4 days 3 nights trip went. Feel free to ask me personally to know more. =D